- A little story about a world champs titleIt’s the 27th of February I’m sitting on the ground of some street in a small village in Turkey with a foot not so much attached to my leg… … Continue readingA little story about a world champs title
- Shit happensShit happens indeed, or well even more precise shit happens when you least expect it… … Continue readingShit happens
- Immer ein bissli besser;-)A wise Finnish man once said: «Immer ein bissli besser» (Always a bit better). With these words always in mind I went to Denmark to give this season a deserved good end… … Continue readingImmer ein bissli besser;-)
- Remembering how to winAnyway if something wasn’t fast for a looong looong time in summer it was me… I struggled a lot with orienteering and just couldn’t perform, not knowing why. A weird feeling for me because until now I always knew what the problem was and I could work on it. Testraces for World Cup in Italy were probably the worst of my life and I played with the thought to just… … Continue readingRemembering how to win
- Jukola 2021Again after barely one month home I flew back to Sweden for a training camp but most importantly Jukolan viesti in Rovaniemi (FIN) in the end of these two weeks! … Continue readingJukola 2021
- WC Testraces and U23 Skyrunning champsWith two weeks of exams at the unversity there was not much time to recover after testraces in Czech. So my body wasn’t really ready for tough training. But after the exams were done I got 4 pretty decent weeks of training (containing one week in Sweden)… … Continue readingWC Testraces and U23 Skyrunning champs
Latest Strava Activities 
- MängistorfbergOn 5. März 2025 11:50 went 10.72 km during 00:51:39 hours climbing 203.00 meters burning 626 calories.
- 8x~3‘45“ Botschaft flat/uphill/flatOn 4. März 2025 18:20 went 16.47 km during 01:08:13 hours climbing 307.00 meters burning 1’021 calories.
- Chünizer TrailsOn 4. März 2025 13:13 went 9.41 km during 00:49:00 hours climbing 237.00 meters burning 591 calories.
- GymOn 3. März 2025 20:18 during 00:47:01 hours burning 323 calories.
- DL + Strides con Fra🔥On 3. März 2025 16:34 went 14.30 km during 01:07:19 hours climbing 209.00 meters burning 823 calories.
About me

Sports Student at University of Bern
Brügg BE
Date of birth:
ol.biel.seeland & Tampereen Pyrintö Orienteering Club
Christian Aebersold
Elite U23
Athletics Results
- Teilnehmer- und Streckenrekord in Büren
Bieler Tagblatt, 17.10.2020
Der Brügger Fabian Aebersold und Céline Aebi aus Utzenstorf sind die Sieger am Bürenlauf über die 11,5-km-Hauptdistanz. Der Traditionsanlass notierte einen Teilnehmerrekord.
- Schweizer Orientierungslauf-Fünferstaffel im Irchel-Wald
Bieler Tagblatt, 24.06.2019
Die Sieger der diesjährigen Schweizer Orientierungslauf-Fünferstaffel kommen aus Biel. Den Sieg verdanken konnten die Berner Seeländer vorallem ihrem Schlussläufer und Spross, dem 19-jährigen Fabian Aebersold.
- Die Jungen schlugen am Gempen zu: Fabian Aebersold und Eline Gemperle lassen alle hinter sich
Solothurner Zeitung, 17.05.2019
Der 38. Gempen-Berglauf in Dornach in Solothurn stand im Zeichen der OL-Spezialisten. Fabian Aebersold und Eline Gemperle liefen allen davon. Somit gehörte der Lauf den ganz jungen Teilnehmer – beide haben Jahrgang 2000.

«If you have a dream, don’t give up on it whatever will happen!»
The “Fanclub Aebersold” is a fan club founded in 2020 to support the Aebersold siblings on their career path. Anyone who opts for top-class sport opts also for a tightrope walk, in which the effort and income can only be proven later. The fan club motivates Simona and Fabian to take this path so that their success stories also bear fruit, which will benefit the sport orienteering again.
Membership fees:
- Adolescents up to 20 years: 20 CHF
- Individual members over 20 years: 50 CHF
- Family: 75 CHF
- Company, club, etc.: 200 CHF