Shit happens indeed, or well even more precise shit happens when you least expect it…
Let’s begin with where it ended, in an emergecy room: Freshly out of my trainingsbreak I decided to run into a flower pot and cut my foot open, ha how naive I was to think that would be my only visit to a hospital or even the only foot «surgery» this winter…
So as we say pipapo and one week later I was starting with my way to season . And oh boy was I ready to work hard, 48h of running in December 52h in January and also 43h in February (and believe me or not I even did some strength training as well;). And the training paid off: (spoiler alert next part is me bragging about how good I am, skip if you want to keep the illusion I’m humble ;P)
Cross Düdingen 2nd behind Matthias Kyburz, Bärner Cross first infront of the legend himself Daniel Hubmann, nd and first at the WRE in Spain and then after that the biggest surprise on the Kerenzerberg. As every year it was time for the treadmill test and therefore black on white how good my shape really is. And let’s say it was crazy my anaerobic threshold (@3mmol) went from 3:18min/km in 2021 to 2:57min/km now (for sport students and other nerds not already full of me bragging you can find the stats in the pictures below;-)).
So welcome back people who still think I’m humble and let’s go str8 to what you’ve all been waiting for. The biiiiig fuck up…
As a wise man now I would say never joke with Pascal Buchs about dislocated feet… I don’t remember exactly why we were talking about it but I think one question was how is it possible to do that. Well surprise surprise follow the next few steps and you have the perfect tutourial (no please don’t….)
So here’s in 20 steps to spring season end:
- Travel to Turkey for a camp
- Run orienteering in really stony terrain and never hurt your foot even a bit.
- Have a sprint competition as the last training
- Run to the first control
- Aaaand then be not prepared for what happens next
- Left corer nothing special, push with your right foot and slip on some gravel on the road.
- Then really important, don’t slip with your left foot it has to stay where it is (but the rest of the leg has to slip as well so all clear?)
- Fall and have a weird pain in your foot, look at it and notice that a foot doesn’t look like that normaly.
- Let it snap back because a dislocated foot is not so nice
- Think aaah well it’s in again let’s try to stand up and walk some steps
- Notice that the foot isn’t attached to the leg anymore and finishing the race is maybe not your only problem now…
- Yell at cameraman Phil to come and help you, he will come he’s a nice guy
- Wait for the ambulance and the physio and go to the hospital
- Have an amazing physio like Jasmin to take care of you (especially in Turkey where a shoe is more valuable than a foot)
- Get a cast (better not for the whole leg airlines don’t like that)
- Catch the flight with the others and have nice seat neighbours to put your leg up (thanks Simona and Sofie!)
- Let your parents drive you to the hospital in Basel (also thanks;))
- Get a new foot some days later
- More detailed: Some screws in the fibula, inner ligament repair and a screw to fix the syndesmosis
- Wait 8 weeks and the story continues
Thanks again to the amazing physios on place (Jasmin and Sarah). The whole swiss team, readmachine and all the other people for the support. And also the Hirslanden Team to get my foot back in one piece again. Now it’s on me to fight back and come back stronger than I ever was (at least in the upper body I will definitely be ;-))